Jeffrey Chen

Director of Data & Analytics , Fleetio


Jeffrey Chen


Jeff Chen is the Director of Data & Analytics at Fleetio. Prior to Fleetio, he led data teams at a variety of companies, from B2C startups to private, enterprise-size data vendors. Jeff has been working in the data space for the last 10 years as both an individual contributor and manager. His data background is really as a Data Engineer, starting in the early AWS days with Hadoop, Spark, and then cloud data warehouses. He discovered dbt in early 2020 and immediately embraced the modern data stack as the better alternative, never looking back. Aside from data engineering, Jeff has experience with leading data ops, data science, and analytics and reporting. He finds incredible joy and satisfaction in helping companies solve their process or business problems with data and helping people discover insights that they didn't have before. Jeff is a geek at heart and loves playing with all the cool technologies and tools in the data space. Additionally, he's had the privilege of working in a multitude of different industries, from telecom to B2C, and loves how varied the data that each industry and company has because there's always something new and different to learn about.



PDT - 12:aN AM PDTLunch 'n' learn: How data teams drive impact with data discovery and data lineage
In this session, we’ll grab some lunch and cover key use cases of data discovery and data lineage through the stories of fast-growing companies. You’ll hear from data engineering managers at Fleetio...


PDT - 12:aN AM PDTBeyond metrics modernization at Fleetio
This session will walkthrough Fleetio’s 1.5-year metrics modernization journey: from legacy spreadsheet → custom metric spec and streamlit UI → migrating to dbt-metrics → evolving the metric explorer...
Business critical data teamsLive streamed

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