Jonathan Hollinger

Senior Data Engineer, Fleetio


Jonathan Hollinger


Jonathan Hollinger is currently a Senior Data Engineer at Fleetio where he has worked on implementing a new modern data stack, modernizing metrics, and creating data products. He has been in the data space for the past 6 years leading and working on data teams across several industries, after transitioning from a career in public policy analysis. He particularly enjoys building self-service data products that make it easy for companies to take action on their data. Jonathan lives in Lexington, Kentucky with his spouse, step-daughter. and three dogs.



PDT - 12:aN AM PDTBeyond metrics modernization at Fleetio
This session will walkthrough Fleetio’s 1.5-year metrics modernization journey: from legacy spreadsheet → custom metric spec and streamlit UI → migrating to dbt-metrics → evolving the metric explorer...
Business critical data teamsLive streamed

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