Tobias Humpert

Product Owner Siemens Data Cloud, Siemens AG


Tobias Humpert


Tobi Humpert is an IT Project Manager working for Siemens since more than ten years and started as working student in Finance. Since then he took over various responsibilities in the area of service, demand and project management, always with a close connection to IT. Since 2020 he joint the corporate IT and drives forward the nextgen data analytics and AI ecosystem in his role as Product Owner of the Siemens Data Cloud. On the weekends, you will find Tobi hiking in the Alpes. This year, he travelled by foot 670km from Munich to Venice.



BST - 12:aN AM BSTSiemens' data evolution: dbt Cloud and the data mesh
Siemens has been revamping how it approaches data, looking to democratize data access to unlock faster innovation. It recently rolled out Siemens Data Cloud — a data mesh with Snowflake and dbt Cloud...

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