Huss Afzal

Data Director, Deputy


Huss Afzal


Huss Afzal is a data director with a proven track record of delivering results in tech and other industries. He has led the creation of data products that have increased online sales, improved campaign effectiveness, and predicted inventory levels. He has also successfully transitioned businesses to the cloud, created a culture of data-driven decision making, and developed high-performing data teams. Huss is passionate about using data to drive business transformation. He is skilled in a wide range of data technologies, and he is always looking for new ways to use data to improve business performance.



AEDT - 12:aN AM AEDTHow the data team at Deputy partners on critical growth initiatives
Every data team knows the importance of partnering with stakeholders across the business. In this session, Deputy's director of data will share how his team improved data modeling speed and accuracy,...

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