Brandon Thomson

Analytics Lead, dbt Labs


Brandon Thomson


Brandon has been in the analytics space since undergrad, where he received his degree in Business Competitive Intelligence. From there, he moved on to the world of PR & marketing analytics helping some of the world’s largest brands measure the impact of their efforts. When he’s not thinking about campaign optimization and attribution modeling, Brandon spends his time recreating in the mountains near where he lives in Salt Lake City.



PDT - 12:aN AM PDTdbt Labs on dbt: An executive perspective
In the dbt Labs on dbt series, you’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at how dbt Labs uses data. You’ll learn how dbt Labs thinks about the role of data, how data developers collaborate with business...
KeynoteLive streamed


PDT - 12:aN AM PDTdbt Labs on dbt: An executive perspective (ASL Version)
In the dbt Labs on dbt series, you’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at how dbt Labs uses data. You’ll learn how dbt Labs thinks about the role of data, how data developers collaborate with business...
KeynoteLive streamed


PDT - 12:aN AM PDTEnabling a complete campaign 360 with dbt Cloud
In the dbt Labs on dbt series, you’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at how dbt Labs uses data. You’ll learn how dbt Labs thinks about the role of data, how data developers collaborate with business...
dbt Labs on dbtLive streamed

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