Alex Higgs

Senior Consultant Data Engineer, Datavault


Alex Higgs


Alex Higgs is a Senior Data Engineer at Datavault and is the Lead Developer and Product Manager of AutomateDV (previously known as dbtvault), a dbt package which provides Data Vault 2.0 compliant templates for rapid development and automation of Data Warehouse solutions. Alex has been developing solutions to help business thrive, including orchestration, testing and security for the last 6 years. Alex specialises in Python, dbt, Snowflake, CI/CD and all things testing.



BST - 12:aN AM BSTDemystifying Data Vault with dbt
In this session, we'll unveil the potential of Data Vault 2.0, an often overlooked but powerful data warehousing method. Discover how it offers scalability, agility, and flexibility to your data...

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