When analysts outnumber engineers 5 to 1: Our journey with dbt at M1

How do you train and enable 20 data analysts to use dbt Core in a short amount of time?

At M1, engineering and analytics are far apart on the org chart, but work hand-in-hand every day. M1 engineering has a culture that celebrates open source, where every data engineer is trained and empowered to work all the way down the infrastructure stack, using tools like Terraform and Kubernetes. The analytics team is comprised of strong SQL writers who use Tableau to create visualizations used company wide. When M1 knew they needed a tool like dbt for change management and data documentation generation, they had to figure out how to bridge the gap between engineering and analytics to enable analysts to contribute with minimal engineering intervention. Join Kelly Wachtel, a senior data engineer at M1, explain how they trained about 20 analysts to use git and dbt Core over the past year, and strengthened their collaboration between their data engineering and analytics teams.

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